Indian Anthropologist
Published by Indian Anthropological Association.

Inaugural issue: 1971
Editor: Prof. Nilika Mehrotra, SSS, JNU New Delhi.
ISSN: 09700927
Frequency: Twice per year
Electronic access: Archive of Indian Anthropologist is available electronically on JSTOR

Aims and Scope:

The journal Indian Anthropologist carries articles, book reviews and editorial correspondence pertaining to all branches of Anthropology and related disciplines. The journal encourages original research writings which present theoretically informed ethnographic descriptions or similar analytical exercises with clear methodology and sharp conceptual framework.The journal has published guest-edited special issues like Ethnography of healing; Folk narratives; Migration and changing socialities; Everyday state and politics; Anthropology's contribution to public policy.

Styling Format for the References:

Within the text, references should be indicated as (Srinivas 1960; Parry 1974) or (Nanda 1994:23).

All references should follow the following format:

Dube, S.C. 1955. Indian Village. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Alam, Javeed. 2008. ‘The Contemporary Muslim Situation in India: A Long-Term View’, Economic and Political Weekly, 43 (2): 12-18.

CEC. 1997. Cohesion and the Information Society (Com 93 7/3) ( infosoc/legreg/docs/cohes1.html) (accessed on 20 January 2005).

Comaroff, Jean and John L. Comaroff. 2006. (eds.). Law and Disorder in the Postcolony. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.

Almeida, A. 1978. The Gift of a Bride: Sociological Implications of the Dowry System in Goa. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. Louvain-la-Neuve: Université Catholique de Louvain.

Kopytoff, Igor. 1986. ‘The Cultural Biography of Things: Commoditization as a Process’, in Arjun Appadurai (ed.): The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 64-91.

Naipaul, Seepersad. 1976. The Adventures of Gurudeva and Other Stories. London: Andre Deutsch. (First published in 1943 as Gurudeva and other Indian tales).

Panday, Trilochan. 1993. ‘Trinidad Mein Hindi’ (in Hindi), Gagananchal (Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi), 16 (4): 109–22.

Ban, Radu and Vijayendra Rao. 2008. ‘Is Deliberation Equitable? Evidence from Transcripts of Village Meetings in Rural India’, The World Bank: Development Research Group, (Mimeo).

Book Reviews, Notes and Reports:

Indian Anthropologist generally does not accept unsolicited reviews. Those willing to do reviews should write to the editor. We encourage shorter notes on research in progress or short contributions on topics of current social, political, and economic developments. Comments or rejoinders on articles published in the journal will also be considered. These should not be more than 1000-2000 words. Indian Anthropologist serves as a platform for dissemination of information among community of scholars concerned with bio-cultural aspects of human existence. You may send announcements and short reports on events such as workshops or conferences organized in India on issues of anthropological relevance. These will also be reviewed for significance and style.

Book reviews must carry book details as follows:
Bengt G Karlsson. 2011. Unruly Hills: Nature and Nation in India’s North East. New Delhi: Social Science Press and Orient Blackswan. [ISBN: 9788187358596 (HB)], pp. 336. Price INR 695.

All correspondence should be addressed to:

The Editor